Friday, May 30, 2008

Blackberry Software - Themes, Games and Ringtones

Do you want to change the look of your Blackberry screen? You can change the theme. There are a couple of default themes located in the options menu. You can also buy themes at They range from making your blackberry look like an iPhone to Indiana Jones. They usually cost less than $8. Changing your theme does change the icons so keep in mind the icons can be drastically different. It does take some adjustment to remember new icons. The folders also don't always transfer over so you may have to spend some time reorganizing your screen.

Bplay also offers games for the Blackberry. There are games to put on your Blackberry for the kids and cards games while waiting for the kids. I like Bookwork and Soduko. There is also Frogger and Bubbles for the kids.

I think it is hard to find ringtones on the bplay site because there is no search feature. If you are looking for a specific ringtone it is hard to find. If you have AT&T I find it easier to purchase ringtones from their media mall which is already installed on your Blackberry.

Go to bplay from you Blackberry and download apps over the air. Bplay allows you to put in your credit card on your Blackberry for payment. Keep your activtion codes. AT&T ringtones are also downloaded over the air. AT&T charges your AT&T bill for ring tones.

Don't forget to back up your Blackberry when changing units.

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